
I picked up a copy of Bild at lunch today (and made a picture of it, see above) because I was taken by the coverage of this event and the layout/content of this paper.
Germans are reacting to this tragedy with a kind of "I told you so" attitude. You don't have access to weapons here in Germany like that guy did (or so it appears). I'm not sure if that's good or bad, I'm conflicted. When things like this happen, I tend to be "German" on the gun control laws.

Moreover, I thought the "naked lady picture" (which is on every cover of Bild everyday) made a strange bottomfold image in relation to this event on the top; look at her "looking up" and "laughing". Weird and disorienting!


davidUT said...

Local news ... the last hospitalized victim of the Trolley Square shooting finally returned home today. Channel 4 and the community helped raise $100K and remodeled his house because he is wheelchair-bound indefinitely.

I find it impossible to make sense of such violence. Our issues are much greater than gun control. This doesn’t really depress me, but it makes me sad to the core. I find myself contemplating more on the pain of the families rather than understanding of the gunmen (referring to both incidences). I have some sense of heart ache for them. How does one describe it!

I can easily take sides with the German’s (and other’s I’m sure) attitude … we are “ripened” for such iniquity. We are blowing our liberty and freedoms. It is earned and deserved, not a given!!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting how the word "killer" is the same in German as in English. This guy was searching for notoreity and lo and behold he found it. Too bad it's his face sprawled all over the paper instead of the victims. Guess his face just sells more papers. There are always going to be these loose cannons in society and no matter how much we try to figure them out we aren't going to be able to stop them from doing these horrendous acts. Damn this idiot for perpetuating fear in our society.